Join former pole vault world champion Emma George fromLove the Outdoors, as she introduces their young family to the thrills of fishing on lures. This video talks parents through the basics of fishing with kids.
Casting a fishing rod, holding it and winding in a fish are skills which require concentration, so fishing is a great way to get outdoors and it also teaches hand-eye coordination, patience as well as learning about our environment and how to care for it.
Plan on going for one to two hours, until kids get used to fishing because the last thing you want to do is organise a huge session and get them so overtired that they have a melt down, everyone gets frazzled and you never want to go again. Pick you time as mornings generally work well because they have had a big sleep and are ready for an activity.
If you have multiple kids, try to go with at least another adult so one can help with fishing and the other can watch all the kids. It makes it a lot easier and less stressful to keep everyone happy when you have an extra set of hands.
To read more great advice on fishing with kids, follow Emma onFacebook, or check out her bloghere.